Random Facts About bloodwolf

Just for fun, a little information supplied by bloodwolf.
Leftwing Commie or Rightwing Nutjob?hmmmm, ill come back
Carrier of flower or carrier of seeds?Well, i carry some seed :D
Ancient as the bedrock or just starting to rock?I love Rock
What's your sign cutie?Hmm, another one to come back to
Why a Dark Poet and not a Sunshine Scribbler?I write whats in my heart and whats real, not a fantasy that no one can feel
Who really messed up your life?Thats a long list, read my poems, you'll start to understand
Favorite smell or stinks like hell?hmmm, favortie smell, the smell of red bull when you haven't had one in a while, Stinks like hell is just about anything with a repulsing odor
Beginning writer or lifer?I guess I'm right in the middle of this one
Does blood allure you or does it disturb you?I guess it depends on whose it is :D
There is no God, or God is you, or God will probably smite you for suggesting otherwise?God is there but he sure likes to torture me i guess
My heroes are:Anyone in the military, my father sometimes and my little sister, she is by far one of the bravest and toughest little girls i could ever hope to know
You should know this about me:I'm random, and don't care about if you have an unkind thing to say to me
What's your Myers-Briggs Personality Type?INFJ
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