Random Facts About roxx777

Just for fun, a little information supplied by roxx777.
Leftwing Commie or Rightwing Nutjob?neither
Carrier of flower or carrier of seeds?it depends on the soil of those I encounter
Ancient as the bedrock or just starting to rock?timeless
What's your sign cutie?leo
Why a Dark Poet and not a Sunshine Scribbler?just read my poetry and you decide
Who really messed up your life?my life is a journey all pits are for a reason
Favorite smell or stinks like hell?rain, burning wood, cold air, angels breath
Beginning writer or lifer?lifer
Does blood allure you or does it disturb you?it is a beautiful color and tastes wonderful but it depends from where it flows
There is no God, or God is you, or God will probably smite you for suggesting otherwise?God is real, I am a goddess read on and you will no what kind
My heroes are:don't care to share
You should know this about me:my fire makes the flames of hell jealous
What's your Myers-Briggs Personality Type?i am 16 types
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