Random Facts About snakeskingrin

Just for fun, a little information supplied by snakeskingrin.
Leftwing Commie or Rightwing Nutjob?leftwing nut job...I guess. I volunteered for Barack Obama in my home state...(West Virginia)
Carrier of flower or carrier of seeds?Flowers
Ancient as the bedrock or just starting to rock?Bedrock was new when I was a lad...:)
What's your sign cutie?Leo
Why a Dark Poet and not a Sunshine Scribbler?shadows bring out the definition and contrast...things are too pasty in bright light
Who really messed up your life?Me, myself and I
Favorite smell or stinks like hell?Favorite smell is probably chocolate chip cookies
Beginning writer or lifer?lifer
Does blood allure you or does it disturb you?Blood is essential, needed and should not be spilled without good cause
There is no God, or God is you, or God will probably smite you for suggesting otherwise?God is all of us, the life-stream of humanity, I think we return to it when we go...and briefly feel connected
My heroes are:Poe, Jim Morrison, Mozart, Stephen King, Jon Stewart, RFK, Ozzy, My wife, and my sponsor
You should know this about me:i always answer questions/comments, I don't usually score anything a perfect "10"...(never seen perfection) and I always try to be polite...
What's your Myers-Briggs Personality Type?
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