Random Facts About The Lipstick Factor

Just for fun, a little information supplied by The Lipstick Factor.
Leftwing Commie or Rightwing Nutjob?Anything with wings can fly, right? I feel politics, of any kind, should be approached with one's feet firmly planted on level ground.
Carrier of flower or carrier of seeds?Carrier of flower.
Ancient as the bedrock or just starting to rock?Soul as ancient as bedrock, heart of a child.
What's your sign cutie?Stupid should hurt. Oh--you wanted astrological sign--that'd be Gemini--hence the voices.
Why a Dark Poet and not a Sunshine Scribbler?Can I be both?
Who really messed up your life?I'm responsible for my life so any mess-ups are mine to claim and mine to fix.
Favorite smell or stinks like hell?Crayons--best smell ever!
Beginning writer or lifer?Both!
Does blood allure you or does it disturb you?Entirely dependent on context.
There is no God, or God is you, or God will probably smite you for suggesting otherwise?I believe there is something which connects us in some way. Whatever or whoever that might be might be different for each of us.
My heroes are:My Dad is the best man I know. He worked so his family would always have their needs and many of their wants met. When he retired, he began volunteering for Habitat for Humanity and works tirelessly building homes for people who might otherwise never own their own home. He is a shining example of altruism and never wants or expects amything in return. He once read a story in the paper about a single mom in the community who was struggling to raise 2 kids, work, and attend college classes who had lost her car after it caught on fire. He gave her a car he had. In addition he did a tune-up, oil change, brakes etc before giving it to her so she would have a safe. reliable vehicle for her family.
You should know this about me:There are at least 12 other people in my head. Watch out for number five.
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