Comments by All Members

  • "erotica/romanticism. The beauty of this piece just astounded me in a way I didn't think possible from a sexual work."
    Posted by Six-Out on "reverence" by KittyStryker
  • "this is so wonderful.. the slow ponderous almost disbelieving flow of your words accompanies the image entirely... all around beautiful"
    Posted by Unknown on "...slowly...fading..." by KittyStryker
  • "Hot Topic I love you however I do hate labels, though it's hard to label someone who wears 5 different styles in five different days-"Goth" "Punk" "Hippie" "Bum" "Skater" somethimes even "Prep"-it is amusing to watch them try though"
    Posted by MyScarsStillBleed on "on Hot Topic- repost" by KittyStryker
  • "I think that if I could put my previous relationships downfall into words it would have come out similar to this. "
    Posted by Unknown on "fuck" by KittyStryker
  • "6you are a loser. just kidding. nice ending. i feel like i know you a little, which more than i get from most people's poetry here"
    Posted by Unknown on "a list from a loser" by KittyStryker
  • "Very, very awesome. You're the first person I've (sorta met) that doesn't believe in Satan, you know what? Neither do I! Love it!"
    Posted by Unknown on "a list from a loser" by KittyStryker
  • "my jaw literally dropped as i read. you have a gift for writing symphonically beautiful poetry. u r a fave. -lindsay"
    Posted by Unknown on "just one taste" by KittyStryker
  • "--should try harder to be themselves, and half of the people that work at hot topic are some really nice unique people that i wouldnt mind hanging out with.anyways.. enough of my lecture, liked the way you worded this.. nicely done.. hehe."
    Posted by BeautifulCalamity on "on Hot Topic- repost" by KittyStryker
  • "--not really in anything for the music or the true scene, its all for image. i like hot topic, i buy most of my shirts there.. and pants i just get cheap ass jeans.. the way i look dosent matter when compared to the person i am, and ya.. I think everyone "
    Posted by BeautifulCalamity on "on Hot Topic- repost" by KittyStryker
  • "alright, i used to have a big opinion on this at one point, but now i dont have much of one. just that people can shop wherever they want and they'll still be as unique. if they are worried about looking like posers for shopping at hot topic then they are"
    Posted by BeautifulCalamity on "on Hot Topic- repost" by KittyStryker
  • "Hey, I LIKE Hot's the only store AROUND here with clothes that aren't the same old bullshit, but if I like the clothes(which I do) I'm waering them...and it's easier than shopping online, I can try shit on right then and know it'll fit,etc Kya"
    Posted by Malice In Wonderland on "on Hot Topic- repost" by KittyStryker
  • "This was awesome, and indeed true.. but not everyone thinks this way.. I don't.. and I can tell by your other works you do not as well.. it is just that so many do.. -Michael"
    Posted by DarkWolf on "darwin" by KittyStryker
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