Comments by All Members

  • "Damn,Kitty...I'm stunned.Your writing has a way of permeating my skin and reaching my soul.I don't always comment...but I always read.Know that.And thank you."
    Posted by suicideseason on "for shame" by KittyStryker
  • "Maybe I just do not understand specifics of your statement, but I do not believe that all America ignores the problem of violence against women."
    Posted by shadowsinthelight on "for shame" by KittyStryker
  • "did you read the part after 'america'? I was stating that america was CONTRADICTORY. Meaning that we act like these things don't happen...and we're some great country...geez...~Delilah~"
    Posted by Delilah on "for shame" by KittyStryker
  • "most guys are completely oblivious to the shit that happens to most girls, we all partake in the way the world is shaped around for the asshole(s) that prefers to sit back and judge, you should be so lucky to be so fuckin' stupid...beautiful~elis"
    Posted by elisa on "for shame" by KittyStryker
  • "America? Rape and sexual violence has been used as a tool of war and power throughout the history of the world. America, geez. S"
    Posted by shadowsinthelight on "for shame" by KittyStryker
  • "Sometimes, I feel you are another "me", that lives a different life yet is SO similar to me... Wonderful write, *favs* ~V."
    Posted by Velvet_Raventon on "for shame" by KittyStryker
  • "I liked this write, it was a real eye opener...I've been here, and I live my life in fear of these things. I think I will forever. I'm glad you added the end part as well, because America is so contradictory, and it can happen to men to...kudos to you b"
    Posted by Delilah on "for shame" by KittyStryker
  • "you made my gut ache today...and the thing is; it's nothing new, just put in a new skin...civilization isn't civilized, it just knows how to hide the beast better..."
    Posted by Unknown on "for shame" by KittyStryker
  • "This is particularly poignant for me since i just finished studying rape at med school. It is indeed sickening, and to think that in South Africa the stats are + 3x those of the US... It is a scary global problem."
    Posted by Delphoid-Q on "for shame" by KittyStryker
  • "i agree.. this world is making progress in the wrong direction. a week ago i was on a bus when a gang of guys hopped on and started touching me.. there was nothing i could do.. "
    Posted by Shaded Angel on "for shame" by KittyStryker
  • "P.S: It took me a while to realise I wasn't cool... I kinda realised that all my favourite people in the world were nerds of some kind or another. Then it hit me - I'm a nerd too. :)"
    Posted by flying_fox on "a list from a loser" by KittyStryker
  • " phenomenal kitty. in pain from your words. if this room werent so cold, id be writhing on the floor. awesome write. i cant think of anything better to say."
    Posted by Twilight on "static" by KittyStryker
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