Comments by All Members

  • "thanks man, this is my way of describing depression. although I don't suffer from depression as a disease. i'll have an occasional down and out day. but my girlfriend (soulmate 19 yrs ) does suffer from manic depression. this is written from her point of view perhaps. cheers my friend"
    Posted by molock on "my co-dependent" by molock
  • "wow, really like the way you structured this piece, lonesome and dependent on a dark cloud hanging over you companion , really really cool concept...and im sure this piece means much more to thank you for sharing this!"
    Posted by Unknown on "my co-dependent" by molock
  • "I thought this was really romantic. There's an unmistakable passion in your words. Had me hanging on every line. Nice write"
    Posted by Unknown on "dangerous liaison" by molock
  • "thanks for reading ad commenting, it looks like you're new on dp welcome and i'll be looking for some of your work as well. later"
    Posted by molock on "dangerous liaison" by molock
  • "I like your style dwells, your weirdness is fantastic, I wouldn't want it any other way. as always it's good to hear from you man. peace bro"
    Posted by molock on "dangerous liaison" by molock
  • "Good one Mo, and I almost had a tune to accompany your words. Almost wishing that you wrote that one line "In the middle of... - ... you" (I'm weird and shouldn't really anticipate such antics from others). Cheers! - Dan"
    Posted by dwells on "dangerous liaison" by molock
  • "Your work always flows with such precision. The timing is flawless. The mark of a great artist. Always a pleasure Mo"
    Posted by Damien on "dangerous liaison" by molock
  • "Gorgeous piece! I found myself getting lost within your words, and that to me, refreshing. Beautifully written, just beautiful. -Write on"
    Posted by soul_versing on "dangerous liaison" by molock
  • "I am not typically fond of rhythmic and rhyming poetry, as it seems to lend itself to words that will fit in and loses my attention in translation...but this is so well done. I never felt the effort of the word injection or the muse weaving rhyme. Bravo sir."
    Posted by tmanzano on "a pound of flesh" by molock
  • "thanks Damien, as soon as I can play something coherent for 3 minutes i'll work on it lol. just for the record I really loved "medicine bag " i'm not sure if you or Nadia wrote it, my gut says it was your doing. awesome. catch ya later brother"
    Posted by molock on "a pound of flesh" by molock
  • "thank you so much for the kind words, I know a lot of us have been down this road, tragic love."
    Posted by molock on "a pound of flesh" by molock
  • "thank you CreatureOfTheNight you're right this is the worst kind of love ....the kind you just can't quite get over."
    Posted by molock on "a pound of flesh" by molock
  • "This drives deep at the core, weakening the outer exterior of flesh. I felt every word penned and; although saddening, this was also a rude awakening. -Applauds "
    Posted by soul_versing on "a pound of flesh" by molock
  • "Catchy as hell Mo. This little piece needs a 3 minute guitar jam as a bridge. Toe tappin, head noddin, singing out loud. Luv it"
    Posted by Damien on "a pound of flesh" by molock
  • "thanks for the kind words and the typo alert, i'll be looking forward to reading some of your work as well"
    Posted by molock on "gospel of molock" by molock
  • "Not being one to turn away from conspiracy theories I found the work interesting. As a gentle suggestion, I think the second line in the second stanza intended to read "hear" instead of "here." Well composed and brutally frank, I found this work a very worthy readl."
    Posted by Unknown on "gospel of molock" by molock
  • "thanks man, it's my way of trying to get the word out about these kinds of secret societies. i believe they have a secret agenda for man kind, if they achieve what they are hoping to it won't be pretty for any of us. later Dan"
    Posted by molock on "gospel of molock" by molock
  • "Never got the connection here Mo until now, and thanks for the update (I've recently heard of this myself). I personally ascribe to the Bible verse that goes: "Children will be their oppressors, and women rule over them" - concerning the fall of Jerusalem. Cheers and well done - Dan"
    Posted by dwells on "gospel of molock" by molock
  • "thanks D.T. , this my way of telling the story of the secret society "bohemian grove" they do some strange shit every year about this time. thanks for reading and commenting."
    Posted by molock on "gospel of molock" by molock
  • "thanks bloodbird, glad you liked it, there's some fucked up shit that goes on in a forest called "bohemian grove" in california in mid july. they perform an ancient ritual called the cremation of care . just google cremation of care it will pop up. later"
    Posted by molock on "gospel of molock" by molock
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