Comments by All Members
- "Demonstrates clear understand between the social tolerance of women dominating in an abusive marriage relationship compared to the man's unacceptable dominance in marriage "
Posted by Unknown on "The Lie That Binds" by Loserland
- " unexpected. This was effing amazing. Such a refreshing and different read than what you find here lately. Amazing."
Posted by Lydia Jade on "Sharing Showers" by Loserland
- "Made some good points but it is a baby. . .not a fetus. They use the word fetus to dehumanize the life of the child. Under circumstances such as rape or the health of the mother, I can understand, though I would never do it myself. I value human life. But"
Posted by Jaded Ireland on "My Two Lincolns" by Loserland
- "Sweet libertine, you speak to me, with agony, which cannot be, without a certain, ecstacy, called forth by wand'rers of the sea, oft' blackened by the misery, which seems to me, to hearten thee! Excellent write!"
Posted by LordBrosnian on "Ode To The Mother Of Darkness" by Loserland
- "Very well written. The first one was so descriptive that I imagined it as I read on. Cinn is right, filled with truth. Its really sad to think about but that kind of thing does happen. Its a sick world. Anywho, great work."
Posted by Unknown on "Pasty Pale Darkness" by Loserland
- "SO GOOD ! One of my favorites. Ive been there .... and that almost felt good to read. A release of sorts. Thanks :-p"
Posted by Unknown on "Final Fuck" by Loserland
- "It was slightly .... erotic. But not sexual. Just raw, id say. Very good imagery. Another great one :)"
Posted by Unknown on "little death" by Loserland
- "Why? Everything deserving can be brought back and I do not believe that anything or anyone will forever stay dead. Plus I am very stubborn. Poem leaks with self pity, amusing to an extent. Could be great if the right audience read it."
Posted by InquisitiveSpirit on "Don’t Read This !" by Loserland