
Phynix's picture
I developed my morbid, tormented, suffering poetic skin around 1996, A bad relationship will do that to you, and another one will send you almost over the edge, not just two, you know bad things come in 3's, there was another. I am a 33 yr old transgender person. I live in the Bible belt, Yes even more pain. I am a solitary Witch, reborn about nine years ago. Right now I am almost in a new bad relationship, face it three for three. Thank you for showing interest, and I hope you enjoy my work..... Varonica

Phynix's Works

Poetry 2003-03-19Alone waiting for you
Poetry 2003-03-23Love is truly dead, RIP
Poetry 2003-03-27Taste
Poetry 2003-03-28Dark Poetic skin IV
Poetry 2003-05-11fluidic crystal ball
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