My Path
By Labitina
Why do you insist on helping
Just leave me be
Let me bask in my misery
I don't want what you have to offer
I've heard your story before
And I don't want to hear it any more
I know I need help
I just don't want it
I've come to enjoy this pain in some sick way
Now I invite my dark company
I've become accustomed to this darkness inside
But now your light is blinding me
We don't blend well any more
We have gone our seperate ways
I chose my path and you chose yours
I don't try to change your mind
So quit trying to change mine
I like my path and I like where I'm going
I prefer my dark cold destiny
I have learned to accept it
I even look forward to it some how
Why can't you just live with it
It doesn't effect you at all
Just let it go
It's not at all your fault
So stop blaming yourself
I chose to let go
You can't choose for me
So quit trying
The course of my life is not for you to decide