Absolute Abstence
By happilydepressed
From the darkness in the forest behind your dreary little cabin
Came a horde of restless spirits forlorned now long forgotten
Until tonight when they broke free
From the graves and realms we cannot see
Vengence for a tortured existence
Retribution for life the first pestilence
Could you just envision all the souls and ghouls rising from beneath once
All will be nothing like long before
The dead in mass meander absent in mind
Ending the suffering of all mankind
Lurking just behind that bush, couch, or an open window
And it may manifest in a song or some television show
It has many hats, faces, and arms spread wide
And in the darkness of your mind is the worst place for you to hide
Did you find a trickle of blood to satisfy your throat
Don't wander now the ferryman waits with his boat
In this eternal sleep you embark in silence
There is no void just the absolute abstence
And when you rise again you won't be the same
Not that you'll know or understand what you became
You won't see the world burning through your rotten eyes
You won't feel the fires falling from the skies
Everything has it own inevitable fate
The only things left lingering is all that we hate
It all gets drawn inside a great black hole
And when you find the door and you have the key there's no keyhole
Comments on "Absolute Abstence"
On Monday, October 19, 2020, Nicholas Miller
(6) wrote:
I love the last stanza of this
On Monday, October 19, 2020, happilydepressed
(400) wrote:
thank you for reading : ) : (