In Loving Hatred
By SirEnders
I wish I may, I wish I might
To simply vaish from sight.
I yearn for the final battle
Where we all play cattle.
The slaughter house is ready
I am calm and staying steady.
The day has come, this is it
You are next, we all must omit.
Leave with dignity and peace
Allow our breath to cease.
Love no more, hate no more
We are harvested from our core.
Listen to the flow of screams
The tears are like streams.
Look at the fear in their face's
I follow Death as he paces.
I indulged in the dark and evils
You'll perish like the weevils.
Death will take me as his son
Finally, I am valued by someone.
Love can be so dark and mysterious
Yet, hate can impair and be devious.
But, I feel at home in the arms of Death
He cradles me in a very evil, deep depth.
He sees me as his own, not some sheep
He is a deathly father, in his loving hatred I sleep.
He is mine, and I his forever and longer
He helps me become much stronger.
I have a Father, an evilly loving Father
He alone has been my lifelong caller.