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A mind of nothing but pain,
nothing can fully take away stains.
The voices in my head,
ask me why I'm not dead.
"You're still here?
How can you take this?
Your hair isn't right.
Why are you always so dramatic.
You know they're only faking.
You know everyone hates you.
Yet you're still here?"
They tell me there's no point,
They tell me there's no happiness,
They say I'll just be a lost dream
That was never good to begin with....
They tell me it's all a dream,
That one day it'll get all better.
It doesn't... How could it when everytime it comes back?!
How can I get away from the voices that are in my own head?!
But no... It's just a dream....
"You'll never wake up..."
Just a dream...
"I know you're already crying" as they laugh...
Just a dream....
"You always were weak!"
And maybe that's why no one can hear my screams....