
By SinisterSkittles

A mind of nothing but pain,
nothing can fully take away stains.
The voices in my head,
ask me why I'm not dead.

"You're still here?
How can you take this?
Your hair isn't right.
Why are you always so dramatic.
You know they're only faking.
You know everyone hates you.
Yet you're still here?"

They tell me there's no point,
They tell me there's no happiness,
They say I'll just be a lost dream
That was never good to begin with....
They tell me it's all a dream,
That one day it'll get all better.
It doesn't... How could it when everytime it comes back?!
How can I get away from the voices that are in my own head?!
But no... It's just a dream....

"You'll never wake up..."

Just a dream...

"I know you're already crying" as they laugh...

Just a dream....

"You always were weak!"

And maybe that's why no one can hear my screams....

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Copyright 2014 SinisterSkittles
Published on Thursday, March 13, 2014.     Filed under: "Depressed" and "Poetry"

Author's Note:

The parts where people are talking is what I hear in my head, just thought I'd clarify that...
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Comments on "Nightmare"

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  • A former member wrote: I like the contrast in your poem. People often dismiss those in pain as they find it easier that way. I like the flow and the sudden conclusion. Good Write.

  • devilsrighthand On Tuesday, May 13, 2014, devilsrighthand (27)By person wrote:

    "They"... Forget what "they" are saying and focus more on the "I".

  • SinisterSkittles On Tuesday, May 13, 2014, SinisterSkittles (41)By person wrote:

    Thanks(: its a little harder than it seems but i'll at least try

  • A former member wrote: After a while they aren't so loud, you might even come to befriend them, you never know. I really like this one, excellent write, and since I haven't yet, welcome to DP.

  • SinisterSkittles On Monday, April 28, 2014, SinisterSkittles (41)By person wrote:

    Thanks^.^ I really like it here

  • A former member wrote: Amazing piece of poetry. 10 from me

  • SinisterSkittles On Wednesday, March 26, 2014, SinisterSkittles (41)By person wrote:

    Thank you, I appreciate it

  • A former member wrote: I understand this feeling, good job writing it.

  • SinisterSkittles On Tuesday, March 18, 2014, SinisterSkittles (41)By person wrote:

    Thank you, I'm glad to have everyones support while going through this, it helps a lot

  • soul_versing On Friday, March 14, 2014, soul_versing (774)By person wrote:

    I sympathise with you on the feeling undeserving of life; and as you grow older, wisdom will replace that uncertainty lingering within you. Many mixed emotions to struggle with in this piece and it cuts deep. I say, hello there poet and welcome to the valley. Bows- ♥ Scholar

  • SinisterSkittles On Monday, March 17, 2014, SinisterSkittles (41)By person wrote:

    Thank you(: and I can only hope it fades away

  • bpathos On Thursday, March 13, 2014, bpathos (77)By person wrote:

    Welcome to DP

  • Commander_Cadaver On Thursday, March 13, 2014, Commander_Cadaver (233)By person wrote:

    Sadly there is no escape from those voices, whether it be a dream (nightmare) or real life. Best thing to do is try and drown them out. Ignore them as best you can...unless they tell you to kill people then surrender to them o.o Anyway, nice write and welcome to DP.

  • SinisterSkittles On Thursday, March 13, 2014, SinisterSkittles (41)By person wrote:

    lol sometimes they do, i've been like that since like 4 years ago, and it's been off and on sense, but this time it feels different honestly...

  • Commander_Cadaver On Thursday, March 13, 2014, Commander_Cadaver (233)By person wrote:

    I've gotten used to mine over the years. I'm sure you will as well, just give it time. Even if they seem different this time, they'll go back to how they usually are or you'll end up ignoring them without realizing it.

  • SinisterSkittles On Monday, March 17, 2014, SinisterSkittles (41)By person wrote:

    Hopefully I'll get used to them, glad to know I'm alone though

  • A former member wrote: i understand how u feel iris, i really do... great write and welcome to dp :)

  • SinisterSkittles On Thursday, March 13, 2014, SinisterSkittles (41)By person wrote:

    thanks, and you and kat look awesome in your pic btw wolfie lol

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