A Dream, Dream
By Poetic-Realm
My shell is eternity, neatly
placed along my back
and a stronger force
is capable of cracking it
exposing this soft,
white overbelly I have.
Shrinking, bubbling to
salt like it were
tossed to grass.
We all lied to the dirt
when it asked us
what we wanted.
We were whirling,
but slow. We were
painful, but good,
and the dirt in us lied.
Wakings became mournings
salt became merciful
and calm tranquility
became a dream
within a dream
with a dream
in a dream
a dream
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Copyright 2012 Poetic-Realm
Published on Wednesday, December 19, 2012.
Filed under:
Author's Note:
Once you dream of a seashell with no surrounding sea you will know.Awards
Comments on "A Dream, Dream"
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On Monday, March 5, 2018, PoetessDarkly
(693) wrote:
beautiful ink. another well deserved choice for poem of the day
A former member wrote:
We have slowly absorbed ourselves in illusion, slowly forgetting. That time is past. Wake, Darklings, wake and remember. The lie is the illusion. ~:o:~
On Thursday, December 20, 2012, FadedBlues
(2096) wrote:
...I see this as leaning toward ecology somewhat, lying to Mother Earth & deceiving her. I'm enjoying the concept of a dream blending into a dream, & another, & another...
On Wednesday, December 19, 2012, Strataic
(99) wrote:
your work its always very gripping, first line read and your captivated until the words have all but finished, thank you.
A former member wrote:
This mesmerized me, captivated me, forced me to imagine. Wonderful work.
On Wednesday, December 19, 2012, Ortolan
(214) wrote:
That's some peculiar imagery, very abstract, as mesmerizing a trap as a spiral, and as enigmatic a sound as the ocean in a shell.